Meretricia News
Because News Doesn't Happen Every Day

Top 10 Things You Don't Want to Hear From Your X-ray Tech:

  1. What the hell is that??
  2. Which way was your head facing when I took that X-ray?
  3. Did you used to work at a nuclear power plant, by any chance?
  4. Have you ever seen that movie, Alien?
  5. Don't mind the smell... I used the machine to cook my breakfast before you came in.
  6. When you had your operation, did the surgeon charge you for an extra pair of foreceps?
  7. Have you ever got the impression that the left half of your body is about 5 pounds heavier that the right?
  8. This used to make people glow in the dark, but we’ve lowered the dosage a bit.
  9. Wait... did you say you were male or female?
  10. Uh, yeah, front desk? Is that guy from Ripley’s Believe it or Not still here?